I believe my reverse engineering work on the inverter control signals is completed.
Agora o inversor possui entrada CC.
Now the inverter has DC input.
Detalhe do pino GND do conector.
Detail GND pin connector.
Os sinais ON / OFF dos IGBTs estão corretamente identificados.
Signals ON / OFF of the IGBTs are correctly identified.
Já sei onde estão todos os sinais de controle para a interface.
I know where all the control signals to the interface.
Largura de pulso variando conforme freqüência ajustada.
Pulse width varying as adjusted frequency.
Vou remontar o inversor com o conector instalado na parte externa do inversor.
I will remount the inverter with the connector installed on the outside of the inverter.
Trabalho finalizado.
Work finished.
É hora de organizar a bancada para a próxima tarefa.
It is time to organize the workbench for the next task.
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