

Este alternador é pequeno o suficiente para ser acoplado no motor da RD350LC e gerar muita energia em pouco espaço.
PMG-LT for Lighting Towers

ligh towerThe system consists of a three-phase permanent magnet generator, complete with its proper lamp starters, supplying the lamps of a ligthing tower.
Lamps are gas-discharge lamps, and they belong to HID (High Intensity Discharge) family; they are metal halide lamps series HPI, conteining high pressure mercury and a mixture of metal halides.

Differently from a standard alternator, the output voltage is supplied at a higher frequency, making possible a series of advantages, both mechanical and electrical:

* At the same output power, the PMG-LT alternator is more compact, with smaller overall dimensions, even concerning the lamp starters.
* Efficiency is close to 90% (usually, with a standard alternator, it is about 78÷80%).
* The needed input power is lower, so it can be coupled with a smaller size prime motor, reducing prime motor’s fuel consumption.
* possibility to couple it to an inverter (only for PMG-LTI), in order to have also available a single-phase output voltage, with a ±1% voltage accuracy, regardless of cosφ.

The generator has been realized with a three phase permanent magnet (Nd-Fe-B) machine in order to obtain a high power density and reduced volumes.
The stator's winding is inside, while the rotor runs outside.

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